Welcome to The U.S. Navy Seabees Web Ring |
This is a ring of web pages belonging to Seabees or dedicated to Seabees. Links on each page allow you to move from one site to the next, allowing one to traverse the entire ring and end up where they started. I am trying to keep the requirements for entry into the ring as simple as possible. Here are the current rules: 1. The site must contain Seabee related information. The quantity isn't important - it can be as little as a mention in a bio that the site owner is or was a Seabee, or as much as a complete site dedicated to some aspect of the Seabees. 2. No strictly commercial sites are allowed. If you have a commercial site which contains actual information relating to Seabees, that's ok, but this is not just another free advertising venue. 3. Sites with content with isn't appropriate for ALL visitors will not be allowed. Sites with advertising links to adult sites will probably not be allowed, depending on the details. MY judgement is final. Here are the steps that need to be followed to join the U.S. Navy Seabees Web Ring: